Friday 22 January 2016

Sometimes the water isn’t that deep and we smash our face off and all our teeth fall out and our nose is broken.

Several times this year I have heard how our experience of time changes as you get older. It’s not a figment of our imagination. Once in comparison to my nephew (the little star) and how as he has only a few months behind him the learning and experiences stretch each day out to an exhausting endlessness (not for him, he bloody loves it.) For us… our experience of life slows as the ‘new’ is just less often. I’m pretty sure I don’t fit into this category. I’m like a bloody four year old.

One thing I’ve learned, through physical accidents, from falling off waterfalls, crashing my bike, tripping up stairs (as I’m too excited to be up said stairs) to massive wins; successfully navigating a ten foot fence in five inch heels again and again, not falling off my bike most of the time, is that I like to move at a certain pace. That pace needs to include lots of new scary things to distract me from the reality of being alive. KIDDING. I’m just wired that way. GO GO GO.

Take accidents in love. Things are more invigorating when you take a risk and jump in face first. Sometimes the water isn’t that deep and we smash our face off and all our teeth fall out and our nose is broken. But sometimes it’s a freeking beautiful natural pool and you have a lovely splash and a swim and feel all alive.

In 2016 I turn 30. All old and that. I’m very excited about being 30. When I was about 25 a very brilliant theatre producer told me to just lie about my age when people weren’t taking me seriously – so I have on and off for the last five years. Now I feel like I can own my age. I wanted to be an adult since I was about eight years old, and here I am with the sage and sass of a seven year old in a dance competition. Winning on my terms. Cutting terrible shapes.

I have no plans to change now… as I storm into the next decade Imma just own it, imagine I got the minnie mouse leotard I always wanted (imagine it fits) smear some lipstick on my teeth and grab those moves with both hands. Let’s dance.

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